Thursday, March 11, 2010

Awaiting the weekend...

As students who strategically schedule our classes, we're lucky enough to start our weekends on Friday :)

Ideas for this weekend:

The $1 theatre--The Blind Side. I've been dying to see this...
Michael Jackson tribute show in Springville
Make lasagna with the yummy recipe that I found and an Oreo pie
Disney on Ice (I snagged free tickets at work)
Finish season 2 of Prison Break

What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. I miss the Dollar Theater! The Blind Side is an AWESOME movie, you'll love it! And might I say that you & Delaney & your Photobooth are nuts! I love it, keep us updated on how the business goes!

  2. You HAVE to see blide side. We are going to Tom's Resturant this weekend- Seinfeld dinner- I CANT WAIT. You should see disney on ice too! That sounds awesome!!
